FEPS 2017 Vienna
Joint Meeting of the Federation of European Physiological Societies and the Physiological Societies from Austria, Czech Republic, France, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Turkey – Link to official FEPS2017 Vienna webpage.
Welcome letter
It is our pleasure to invite you to FEPS 2017, the joint meeting of the Federation of European Physiological Societies and the Austrian Physiological Society. Together with our partners, the Physiological Societies from the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Turkey, we will host this meeting from September 13th to 15th 2017 in the beautiful city of Vienna. The conference site will be the Campus of the University of Vienna, a vibrant academic meeting point, which is located within walking distance from the historical city center. It is good to know, that with our efficient public transportation system, nothing is really far in Vienna.We expect close to 1000 attendees to attend FEPS 2017 of all fields of Physiology. We are preparing a scientific program that will be stimulating and scientifically excellent including 1 keynote lecture, 5 plenary lectures, 18 symposia and many poster sessions. The sessions will span topics from modern Physiology teaching techniques to cell- and molecular Physiology. As in previous FEPS conferences there will again be a focus on the work of young researchers with a special European Young Physiologists‘ Symposium on the first day of the meeting.
Between the sessions and in the evenings there will be ample free time for networking and fruitful discussions with colleagues and friends.
Looking forward to meeting you at an exciting FEPS 2017 meeting in Vienna,
The local organizing committee
Margarethe Geiger
Nandu Goswami
Michael Fischer
Markus Ritter
Marjan Slak Rupnik
Johann Wojta